Don't you find it interesting how random memories can be? I was just putting some laundry in the washer and all of the sudden I remembered something someone said 16 years ago.
After I had Tyler I tried to go back to regular high school and at first it worked. My mom was paying for daycare and I just got up and went to school everyday. When Tyler was a few months old I moved away from home and things got a little harder. When Tyler started getting sick I started missing a lot of school and fell so far behind I ended up having a whole semester to make up. I ended up living in foster care and they helped me find an alternative high school where I could go and bring Tyler plus not get penalized when I missed school because of his illness.
While I was going to this alternative high school a group of doctors and other professionals that dealt with teen pregnancy invited four or five of the teen moms at this school to come to a conference. We would get pampered for the day have a nice lunch and in return we would agree to be part of a panel and answer questions or give our opinions about what kind of things might help prevent teen pregnancy.
So back to my memory. As I was sorting through the laundry trying to find a few things of Kailyn's to add to the wash I remembered something one of the girls on that panel said. They were asking us about the difficulties of being a teen mom and she said, "It's really hard when you wake up one morning and go to get your child dressed and realize- wow you have two shirts and one pair of pants." She had one little boy who was probably three or four and she was still together with the dad. Another mom on the panel had two or three kids and she the dad were married.
I have no idea why this memory would come back to me. The mind is odd. As soon as I thought about her saying that I started remembering the other things we told these doctors. They asked about myths we believed before we got pregnant and I distinctly remember telling them that I thought you couldn't get pregnant if the guy pulled out first and then I said, "but we all know sex is like basketball you always dribble a little before you shoot." One girl had believed you couldn't get pregnant if you had sex in a hot tub. She actually was LDS- I can't remember her name but she had given her baby up for adoption. I can't remember anything about the food we ate or any of the pampering, I can only remember that panel. The doctors were so thankful to us and told us we had really helped them. The only other memory I have of that day is us walking down this hallway leaving to go home and how proud we all felt. Like we had done something important.
This happens to me often. I will be going along with my daily life and then all of the sudden something will trigger some random memory. I have never written any of them down before but maybe I should. For posterity or something.
Awesome memories!! It's good to visit where you came from especially so you can be proud of where you are!
I know. It does feel like it's been weeks since we've seen each other. Next time I go to church by myself I need to set up sitting with someone and going to classes with someone, because the boy is turning into a way crazy dude! Today I just didn't have the energy to try after two weeks of unsuccessful chuch visits.
Lisa - so glad you commented on my blog. I totally remember you, and am so excited you're back in my world! Haha. Your family is beautiful.
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