I made sure to pay close attention last night and yeah they could totally be sisters. They seriously have the same facial expressions too. It's wild.
On a side note Brittney really needs to try out for American Idol. She would so make it.
Okay Kansas City
Best thing about the Kansas City Auditions-
JASON CASTRO! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ How I love him! He is supposed to be releasing an album sometime late winter/early spring!!! Can't wait.
I think the KC auditions were a little better then last night but I think the producers may be hiding the best talent from us. I am really looking forward to Hollywood week and the show. I always love the auditions but I am ready for the show to start!
Okay here are my opinions on those who made it through to Hollywood and also commentary on a couple that didn't.
Ashley- (sang a song Simon co-wrote) She had great range and I think she has a lot of potential but she was somewhat forgettable. I laughed so hard when she got the words wrong and Simon corrected her. He really is that arrogant. LOVE IT!
Casey- super adorable girl. Loved the outfit. Her voice was a little broadwayish but she wasn't bad.
Von Smith- (dude with the hat) he was a little over the top for me. Kind of annoying actually but I think he will be one the teenage girls like. I think his nerves may get to him in Hollywood. He is another one that I could see on Broadway.
Michael Castro- yeah another Castro to love! Ummm do you think Kara liked him? LOL- she obviously likes the mysterious, cocky type. He is super adorable. Don't know if he really has the singing talent to take him very far but I liked him and I hope once he gets to Hollywood he can really grow with the help of a vocal coach. I loved it when Jason said he had never heard him sing in real life. They are soooo cute!
Matt- (bald welder) I think he had a decent voice and I am glad he made it to Hollywood but I don't think he will make the show.
Jessica- (girl who lived with her 93 year old grandma) she was okay- I am just wondering who is going to take care of Granny while she is in Hollywood. For some reason the thought of her leaving her Grandma alone to pursue a singing career that probably wont even happen annoys me.
India- (came with her sister) ummm no no no no
Jamar- (came with his friend Danny) there was something very original about his voice. He really seemed to have the whole package.
Danny- Another big build up to his story. I have to admit I cried. I can't believe he was even able to make it to the auditions. I totally agree with Randy on this one. He really is amazing. I think he is going to be around awhile. They played The Fray- How to Save a Life when he came out with his ticket. That made me cry too. Of the two cities we have seen so far Danny is my favorite.
Anup- (UNC Grad kind of nerdy) I was totally shocked when he started singing. He chose the same song as the Oil Rig guy from yesterday and wow he sang it so much better I almost didn't recognize it as the same song. I don't like it when they try and tease Simon though. They never do a good job and it always just comes off as tacky.
ummm Paula's little air hearts are really annoying me
Asa- (band instructor, daddy) His voice wasn't really doing it for me but I liked looking at him. I hope he picks better songs in Hollywood. I rewatched the audition and I think he is wearing an Obama shirt so I don't like him anymore.
Dennis- (ummm beyond annoying guy that begged his way to Hollywood) This is the first time I realized that having two girls may have its disadvantages. He sucked. I can't believe Kara let his begging work on her. ACK. He ruined a Chris Brown song for goodness sakes. That should not be tolerated.
Lil- (last contestant- mom) great personality- I knew the judges were going to be in love the second she started singing. She is exactly what they are looking for every year, she will make the show but I don't think she will get very far. The audience just doesn't vote for singers like her.
Okay the banana guy and the opera guy with the really tacky outfit (big guy with a big heart) both could be good. What they need is a stylist and a vocal lesson or two.
I thought the whole cheerleader thing and the crying was a little silly. That guy would have had a better chance without all that for sure.
And I am totally confused by something. They were showing clips of the worst people and Simon made a comment to some girl named Kelly I think verifying that the first albums she bought were Paula Abdul's. She was blond with glasses. Her singing really was beyond dreadful. Anyway at the very end of the show they had clips of people running out of the door with golden tickets and she was one of them. I rewound to make sure that she really did suck and that it was the same person. I am thinking she must have gotten a sympathy vote from the girls after Simon's comment about the Paula Abdul's records.
I thought Simon was too hard on the guy who was wearing the medal he got from elementary school and not hard enough on the annoying girl with the pink dress and pink hair who kept saying God was going to get them. Neither one of them could sing but only one of them seemed like a nice kid.
I don't want to wait another week! I am so ready for the season to just start. How many more audition cities do we have? Six. Is that three more weeks of just auditions before we even get to Hollywood week? Wow.
You are so funny! Last night was hilarious when kara and that bikini girl broke out in a fight! Kara was sooo much better! Im glad you guys think i look like her. I dont see it but i think she beautiful... so thanks! So is this why you called my phone a trillion times:) I called back by the way... no answer.
I called you twice. Dork.
And you totally didn't call me back- Must have been some other Lisa.
I totally agree about Kara- she sang circles around that wench.
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