Wednesday, January 14, 2009

American Idol Auditions Part One

I am sooooo happy American Idol has started again. I am in LOVE with this show. I wonder how long it will last. I mean Star Search hung around for like 12 years and AI is WAY better.
The first day of auditions took place in Phoenix and apparently it was scorching hot. Too bad the talent wasn't nearly as blazing as the weather. If there was a theme for the evening it would have to be people who's voices didn't match the image they were trying to portray. I am not saying that is a bad thing I just found it funny how many times I was like huh- wasn't expecting that.
Here is my opinion on the contestants that made it through to Hollywood and one or two who didn't.

Emily (cotton candy hair lots of tattoos)- Didn't think she was anything special. I didn't hate her voice but I think the producers/judges like to find people to be "the next Clay Aiken" or "the next Kelly Clarkson" and this girl is probably supposed to be "the next Carly Smithson". I am going to try and track down her old band. I listen to David Cook's band Axium and his solo CD all the time and Chris Daughtry was in a killer band called Absent Element before AI. (Just found her band- they are called GoBettyGo nice name but the music really isn't good it's like bad Punk with a Latina twist I don't like it and I don't think I am going to like her)

J.B.- you can't remember him can you? Exactly.

Arianna- (16 they kept calling her cute as a button) Her singing voice was so lispy I couldn't stand it. I am hoping she doesn't last long in Hollywood but with they way the judges were falling all over her I think she may be around awhile. Gag.

Stevie- I thought she was good but not really original.

Michael- (the oil rig guy) I was surprised by his voice but didn't think he was anything special. He may be one that ends up surprising me.

Katrina (in her bikini)- Hated her but she did have a nice butt. Kara totally out sang her. I don't see her "making it out" of Hollywood even if she gets naked.

Brianna- (curly hair they let her sing two songs) She was dreadful- both songs. I wouldn't have let her through even with her bubbly personality.

Deanna- I was expecting her to be totally country and was pleasantly surprised when she started singing. Very original. I hope she doesn't end up being country that would ruin her for me.

Cody- (emo looking horror film kid) Loved him- he was my favorite in Phoenix

Alex- (nerdy kid) He was okay. Not Clay though. I did laugh when Simon said he had come out of the closet. I wouldn't have let him through.

Scott- Ummm did they do a little overkill with the build up to this guy or was that just me? He did have a great story and is obviously a very cool person. His voice was good but not great. I am excited to see him behind a piano during Hollywood week though.

I like the new judge. She seems real and I think she is just mean enough to not be Paula. I like Paula but we don't need two. I think it is funny that Simon can't say her name right. I always laugh when he calls Paula Pauler. Oh and Allias says she reminds him of his Aunt Brittney. Says they have the same facial expressions or something. I will have to watch more carefully.

Two more quick things. I thought it was a little freaky that they let that stalker like teen in with her big book of songs, especially with what happened with that fan of Paula. Simon even seemed to be making jokes that hinted at what happened. It seemed a little wrong. Second quick thing- the crazy dude who called himself X-Ray with the orange shirt and the guitar. I think if he mellowed out a little lost the fake name and took a voice lesson or two he could be good.
I hope the auditions get better. I can't wait to see what SLC has to offer.


Bonnie said...

I am obsessed with AI. I do not know how you remembered all those names. we had enrichment last night and I didn't get home till 9 so I was pretty upset when I remembered it was on luckily I still had an hour.I had the same observations you did and can't wait to see all the actual singing:)

Lisa and company said...

I am obsessed too LOL! We have a DVR otherwise I would have missed it too- my boys had a court of honor. I rewatched a couple of the auditions this morning so I could get the names and then I looked up the other names online. Can't wait for tonight and the rest of the season!!!