Friday, January 30, 2009
American Idol Auditions Part Seven
New York- At the end of the show I heard them say they let 20 something through from New York and they choose to show us these three. Wow. They better be holding back some serious talent.
Melinda (chick who likes to dance naked)- This lady just annoyed me period. I don't even think I paid that much attention to her singing because she was so annoying.
Jackie- (the set fell down after she sang)- Most of the contestants annoyed me tonight for some reason. This chick was no exception. She sang like someone who has smoked way too many packs of cigarettes or something and her whole conversation with the judges got on my last nerve.
Nick Mitchell (aka Norman Goodness or Gentle or something)- again annoying- I was glad they let him through because even though he was beyond obnoxious he actually could sing. Please oh please don't let this guy make the show though. Vote for the Worst would have a hay day with this guy.
Puerto Rico-
Jorge Nunez- yeah this boy can sing. Let's hope his dancing improves. I laughed so hard when Kara said his pronunciation was messed up when he sang in English and Simon said ummmm we did come to Puerto Rico to find singers with accents. I don't think he likes Kara much.
Monique (came with her little brother)- I think that if little brother would have stayed at home Monique would have been sent home instead of to Hollywood.
Patricia- Her first song was soooooo bad. She was very lucky they let her sing something else. I still didn't think it was good enough. Paula agreed with me.
They flashed through three singers really quickly and I think I might like the guy who sang Jason Mraz- he sounded pretty good. I think his name was Kenny. I will be watching for him in Hollywood.
Oh and the IPod guy was really funny. He totally reminded me of Tyler for some reason. The belt- sunglasses-loudness-throwing himself against walls-screaming random lyrics. He did the Ipod click perfectly. Loved it and loved his reaction to being told no. He was great.
This audition show was almost as bad as San Fransicco and I am soooo ready for Hollywood week and the show to just start already.
Looking back over the last few weeks I have only a few people in mind that I am looking forward to seeing in Hollywood.
Danny- the guy who lost his wife right before the auditions
Leneshe Young- totally adorable girl who was homeless growing up and sang an original song.
Michael Castro- Besides for the fact that I adore Jason there is something about this kid that I really like.
I know once Hollywood week actually gets here there will people that I go oh yeah I liked their audition.
I am excited for some drama too. I want Dennis, all the other beggers and the bikini chick to be GONE and I am going to laugh HARD when they go.
Oh and I just want to add that Ryan really is the BEST host ever.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
you never know
American Idol Auditions Part Six
David Osmond (son of one of the Osmonds of course)- nice kid nice voice
Frankie (had her baby and husband there with her)- Yeah she was pretty good but she needed a bra and she was a little cocky for me. Frankie Jordan is a good name for a singer though.
Megan (single mom tattooed arm) Very pretty girl and she has a super cute kid. Sad that she is already divorced so young. She had a very original voice. I wasn't surprised that Simon "loved" her.
Austin (senior class president)- those jackets they are wearing are dreadful ACK. I actually really liked his voice. I knew the judges were going to say he was old fashioned. I got the old soul feeling from most of the teenagers at the SLC auditions.
Taylor (very very tall 16)- The judges loved her. I thought it was funny that they called Austin old fashioned but didn't make the same comments about her. I got the same kind of vibe from her as I did from Austin. Both good kids with good heads on their shoulders- focused and all that stuff so they come off as a little older then your average high school student.
Rose (lost her dad at 13 then her mom at 15)- This girl is seriously cute! Tyler is pretty much in love with her. I don't think she would have made it through to Hollywood on just her voice though. But I agree with Simon there is something about her that is very likable. I really hope she does well with the vocal coaches in Hollywood.
The dude that brought his "lucky" rabbit along. I am thinking that if he lost the bunny and the Simon t-shirt he might have actually made it to Hollywood. His voice wasn't terrible and there is a lot of so so talent headed to Hollywood this year.
They said only like 12 or 13 people from SLC made it. That really surprises me. 54 people made it from Kansas City and I am not sure on the other cities but I really figured more people from SLC would have made it through.
Oh I also found out the chick (Joanna) that Kara recognized the other night already recorded a couple albums and has like four of her songs in movie soundtracks. I guess she thinks American Idol could give her the BIG break she has been looking for.
American Idol Auditions Part Five
So a couple of things from Oklahoma. Why does Simon keep asking Ryan to talk in his normal voice? He has done that several times this season. Weird.
I didn't know that Randy Jackson was part of Journey! How did I not know that? I actually have always loved Journey but watching that clip of Randy up there rocking out totally cracked me up. And last but not least ummmm Kara got to kiss a girl, had a wardrobe malfunction and admitted to wanting to make out with Simon all in one night. Again weird.
Now to the contestants.
Josh (curly hair kid super annoying)- super annoying says it all. His voice was okay but he was sooo annoying. I would have never let him through.
Sharon (brought her dog)- The judges are acting really stupid and crazy today. I can't see Sharon making the show. She wasn't that good. Did they let her through because she said baby like Brittney Spears. Anyway she wasn't my favorite.
Julissa (went and dragged Paula back after she walked off) again the judges are crazy today. This girl wasn't anything special either. I am really picky about girl singers for some reason. Julissa had nothing original about her and I would never remember a thing about her audition other then the fact that Paul tried to run off.
Jasmine (16 brought all her sisters and her mom) She is beyond adorable! Her family is SUPER cute too. Her singing is decent but she didn't blow me away or anything. I think she will get better in Hollywood with a voice coach.
Ann-Marie (judges made her leave and come back) Let me say again that the judges are really odd today. I mean obviously the girl can sing and they have her leave to improve her looks or something. Weird. She came back and she was just as good as before she left. I like her.
One quick comment on someone that didn't make it. They guy who was all upset because he couldn't audition with his guitar... why was his begging all of the sudden annoying when five million people have begged their way into Hollywood. I actually thought he sang as well as half the people they have let go.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Venting (Obama scares me)
And does he really think that he can just sit down with the Iranians and they are going to listen to him. He must have a bigger ego then I thought. I remember during the election I read this article about the differences between the way Obama and McCain wanted to "talk" to the President of Iran. I am searching for it now. I can't find it but it pretty much had the President of Iran holding a bomb strapped to a little girl and one guy (Obama) goes in with a gun and says he wants to talk and the Iranian says give my your gun first and then I will let her go and we can talk. So Obama hands over the gun and then the Iranian kills the little girl and Obama is shocked that it happened. He just wanted to talk. The second scenario is the same only the guy with the gun (McCain) refuses to give up his gun but he would love to talk after the little girl is set free and the bomb is dismantled.
The stimulus package is a joke. It is just another way to make us completely dependant on the government. I wonder how long it will take the American people to wake up and realize that this man is not going to bring the kind of "change" they were looking for. I wonder if any reporter or news team will take the initiative to ask hard questions and call this guy out for what he is. If you want some great reasons why the stimulus package isn't going to help anyone read this.
Okay here are my opinions on what Obama says the stimulus package will do-
Stabilize the housing market;
The housing market isn't stable because people made a choice to get in over their heads. They bought houses they couldn't afford or weren't responsible enough to hold on to. They knew the risks involved when they took sub prime mortgages. I have one myself. I know that if we don't refinance before the loan expires we will be in big trouble. We were told that from the get go. We probably should have never bought this house. Do I blame the bank for giving me a loan I couldn't afford. No we knew what the risks were and we signed on the dotted line anyway. Do I think that responsible people should pay for mine or anyone else's bad choices? No. Rewarding people for bad choices has never solved anything.
Strengthen the credit markets;
Banks loaned money irresponsibly. Yes it is partially the governments fault for telling them to do so maybe they do deserve some sort of help but again it will be the people who have made good financial choices that will end up having to pay for other's bad choices.
Doubling U.S. capacity to generate energy from renewable sources;
Ummm how is this going to stimulate our economy. This is just something to make the libs happy
Making federal buildings more energy efficient;
I read a blog recently and this is what he had to say about this part of the package "Obama said, 'We’ll save taxpayers $2 billion a year by making 75 percent of federal buildings more energy efficient.' Great — spend $825 billion to save $2 billion a year! At that rate it would only take 413 years to see a profit from our investment. "
HAHAHA I totally agree
Computerizing health care records;
This isn't going to save money otherwise someone would have done it by now. This is just one step closer to socialized health care.
Tax reductions for 95 percent of households;
Well this might work if it was a Republican (or anyone with any common sense) running things. This tax cut will give money to anyone making up to 75,000 dollars a check- even people who didn't earn any money all year. Nothing stated about tax brackets- that money will have to come from somewhere. If a Republican were proposing this they would make sure that it was a tax bracket cut. One that let people keep more of the money that they have EARNED which then in turn would give them more money to spend which would indeed stimulate the economy.
I am really scared right now and I feel kind of ill. What have we done? How far are we going to let it go? We are like those wild pigs in the story. The people want to catch them so they put out corn and start feeding them. Then slowly they build one side of the fence at at time. By the time the pigs are captured they have no idea how it happened.
Friday, January 23, 2009
you got 30 minutes
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tyler in his typical you know nothing I know all teenage voice- "fine then what is a scrub?"
Me in my wow being a mother of teenagers is grand singing voice- "A scrub is a guy that can't get no love..." Then I died laughing.
American Idol Auditions Part Four
Joanna- (been trying to make it in the business since she was sixteen) First of all how in the world did Kara recognize her? I didn't get that at all. It seemed very set up. Second this girl is amazingly beautiful. That being said I am sitting here trying to remember if I liked her voice and I can't remember it. I went back and watched her audition again and she was your typical pop singer. She will probably do okay in Hollywood.
Brent- (the one the judges had a big argument in front of) He had a decent voice. I liked him.
Matt- (dueling piano player) I agree with Kara he was something different. I am all about originality and I think this guy has it. I can't wait to see what the stylist do with him if he makes the show.
Alexis- (young mom- fiancee in military school) She was okay. I liked listening to her sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to her daughter more then her audition. She was a little over the top for me. I couldn't believe Kara told her to go home and make love to her fiancee. That girl trips me out sometimes.
They go through four contestants quickly and let them all through. There was one guy in there that I really liked I am going to have to go back and pause to get his name. Okay they let through a guy named Kris (decent) a girl named Felicia, dark hair- nose ring (super pretty and very pleasant voice- I liked her). The next guy is the one I was looking for. His name is Ryan and he had a very very nice voice. I hope he does well in Hollywood. The last girl in this little group was named Shera and I didn't think she was anything special.
Leneshe- (grew up in homeless shelters) I have to admit that when I heard her story I was like ack I can't stand contestants like this that come in with their little sob story and expect everyone to feel sorry for them. Then when she said she was going to sing an original song I kind of cringed because let's face it the original songs are NEVER good. I can think of only one time in Idols past that I have liked someone that sang an original song and that was Josiah Lemming. The title of her song (Natty) scared me a little bit too, but as soon as she started singing I loved her. The song was actually really good even if it was your typical fell in love with a thug ditty. I agreed with everything Simon said about her. I can see her making it far. She may end up being to ghetto for me in the end but for now I really really like her.
One quick comment about someone who (thank goodness) did not make it. That first chick with the blond hair who's parents thought she was so amazing. I hope I am never one of those parents who are so delusional they give their children false hopes. This may sound kind of bad but I think I would tell my kid that they sucked if they did indeed suck. I also hope that no one ever tells me that I can sing. I know I can't.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
And your point?
Getting more acne as an adult then you did as a teenager isn't cool.
Houses do not clean themselves.
It is nearly impossible to teach a 70 something man with no prior computer knowledge how to reboot his computer over the phone. "No sir just unplugging it is not a good idea."
Sometimes there can be too many choices.
Jack Bauer is pretty much amazing. I think he could take Chuck Norris.
I am trying to convince Nicole that blogging is just glorified chatting.
Fidel Castro really likes President Obama. I am not surprised.
Snow days
The kids already only had two days of school this week because of the MLK Holiday and then two teacher work days so with the two snow days they have the whole week off. That is nice for me. I really hate the routine of homework, lunches, carpool etc.

American Idol Auditions Part Three
I am not even going to give a run down on each contestant- I thought they all sucked. I thought the whole show sucked. I am really starting to get worried about two female judges. In previous seasons Simon and Randy knew how to keep it real and Paula lightened the blow. It seems like with Kara and Paula there has been a lot more of giving into begging (especially from the male contestants) and I don't know if I like the banter between Simon and Kara. I hope tonight's auditions are much much better.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I figured it out
I want to stop yelling. I have been thinking and thinking on how in the world I am going to accomplish this. Sometimes I feel like all I do all day is yell. I yell to get my point across. I yell when I am upset. I yell when I want to get someones attention. I yell (you get the point I am sure).
When I first got it in my head that this was going to be my goal for the year my thoughts were immediately turned to a book I have been reading called He did Deliver Me from Bondage. It uses the 12 step program (modified with LDS scriptures) to help people overcome addiction. The very first paragraph of the book talks about how you promise yourself that you will never do something again (yelling is actually one of the things listed) and then no matter how sincere you are in that promise your life repeats itself and you get caught in a cycle of repentance and relapse- you are in bondage. That is so true of me. Every day I think this is going to be the day that I stop yelling. This is going to be the day that I am patient and kind and long suffering and that I will deal with my kids in a calm and productive way and then every day I fail. I haven't read the whole book but what I have read so far talks about admitting that we ourselves are powerless and nothing without God and that with His strength we can do all things. It quotes this scripture- Mosiah 29:20- But behold, he did deliver them because they did humble themselves before him; and because they cried mightily unto him he did then deliver them out of bondage; and thus doth the Lord work with his power in all cases among the children of men, extending the arm of mercy towards them that did put their trust in him.
I love how it says in all cases. There isn't any case too big or too small for His power as long as we put our trust in Him. I know that I need His help and that I obviously can't figure this out on my own. The tricky part is figuring out how to totally turn it over to Him. I have been asking Him to help me figure out what steps I need to take to reach my goal and I have started to feel the promptings of the spirit. One thing that I have started to do is count how many times I yell in a day. It has kind of been like when you have the hiccups and someone tells you to tell them the next time you are going to hiccup and then your hiccups go away. Having it in my mind that I need to keep an actual tally of how much I yell has made me yell less. Yesterday I yelled four or five times and I only completely lost it once.
I have had a scripture from Luke hanging on my bathroom mirror and on my front door for over a year that says "In your patience posses ye your soul." If you look in the footnotes it says patience equals self mastery. In Doctrine and Covenants there is another scripture that says a similar thing. In section 101 versus 37-38 it says "Therefore, care not for the body, neither the life of the body: but care for the soul, and for the life of the soul. And seek for the face of the Lord always, that in patience ye may possess your souls, and ye shall have eternal life. " The life of our soul is directly linked to the level of self mastery we have and in order to have self mastery we have to seek for the face of the Lord. Meaning put our trust in Him. I think that without self-mastery it becomes hard to accomplish anything else in our lives.
There is another scripture in 2nd Peter Chapter 1 it talks about how to faith you add virtue, and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. So if this was a to do list- my list would be hung up somewhere between knowledge and temperance. So in order to move on in my progression I have got to get this patience thing figured out.
Wish me luck!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I am
I want: to be a calmer person
I have: a puppy sleeping under my chair
I hate: most things domestic
I miss: my family that is so far away and I haven't seen nearly enough
I feel: the headache I have had since yesterday
I hear: Sullivan Street by Counting Crows, the boys watching football in the other room
I smell: the candy I just ate
I crave: chinese food
I search: the scriptures
I Love: the gospel of Jesus Christ, my family, friends- life
I care: too much about how I look
I always: worry about the choices my kids are making
I believe: in miracles
I sing: along when I can- you might want to plug your ears
I write: more then I did a year ago- less then I should
I lose: my keys, jewelry, shoes pretty much anything I put down
I win: enough to not feel like a loser
I never: play sports
I listen: to music everyday
I am scared: of losing my kids to worldly influences
I need: to be more patient and tenderhearted
I am happy about: the fact that I only work 18 hours next week and that we only have four more car payments.
I tag Shannon, Angie, Marianne, and even though she hasn't caught the blogging bug yet- Nicole.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Stand out lyrics
This week I have been listening to Stephen Marley- Mind Control (acoustic version)
I am a HUGE fan of great lyrics and there are some GREAT lyrics on this CD. (small disclaimer- I am in no way promoting this or any other artist I may write about. My taste in music is not always what I would call mainstream.)
One song says "sandpaper kisses paper cut bliss" in reference to a relationship. I love it when a few small words can bring so much imagery and emotion. Even if you have never had a relationship that could be described this way you can totally feel what he is talking about.
Another song says "They'll make it attractive to get men distracted"
Isn't that totally the way sin works. It's like the scripture in 2 Nephi that talks about how Satan will stir some up in anger against that which is good and others he will pacify and lull away into carnal security and then carefully lead them down to hell and then others he will flatter and whisper in their ear until he grasps them with his chains.
Satan isn't stupid. He doesn't get people in his grasp by telling them the truth. He makes things attractive- makes the broad road look like the easier way- makes things that will bind us look like freedom- makes us think that the small sins aren't that big of a deal. He especially does this to our youth. I have had several of these conversations recently with my teenagers. Satan works hard to make them think certain things should be okay and that things like dating before 16, piercings, pairing up and other choices don't really have consequences. He tries to convince them that they can handle these kind of things without taking it any further. Thank goodness for a wise Heavenly Father who has inspired His prophet to set guidelines for these kids who are so bombarded with what is "attractive".
I have lived on both paths. I know what it is like to be distracted by the "attractive" things this world has to offer. Sometimes those attractive things still get to me. But I am working everyday to keep up the good fight and to stay on the path back home.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My mind
American Idol Auditions Part Two

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
American Idol Auditions Part One
The first day of auditions took place in Phoenix and apparently it was scorching hot. Too bad the talent wasn't nearly as blazing as the weather. If there was a theme for the evening it would have to be people who's voices didn't match the image they were trying to portray. I am not saying that is a bad thing I just found it funny how many times I was like huh- wasn't expecting that.
Here is my opinion on the contestants that made it through to Hollywood and one or two who didn't.
Emily (cotton candy hair lots of tattoos)- Didn't think she was anything special. I didn't hate her voice but I think the producers/judges like to find people to be "the next Clay Aiken" or "the next Kelly Clarkson" and this girl is probably supposed to be "the next Carly Smithson". I am going to try and track down her old band. I listen to David Cook's band Axium and his solo CD all the time and Chris Daughtry was in a killer band called Absent Element before AI. (Just found her band- they are called GoBettyGo nice name but the music really isn't good it's like bad Punk with a Latina twist I don't like it and I don't think I am going to like her)
J.B.- you can't remember him can you? Exactly.
Arianna- (16 they kept calling her cute as a button) Her singing voice was so lispy I couldn't stand it. I am hoping she doesn't last long in Hollywood but with they way the judges were falling all over her I think she may be around awhile. Gag.
Stevie- I thought she was good but not really original.
Michael- (the oil rig guy) I was surprised by his voice but didn't think he was anything special. He may be one that ends up surprising me.
Katrina (in her bikini)- Hated her but she did have a nice butt. Kara totally out sang her. I don't see her "making it out" of Hollywood even if she gets naked.
Brianna- (curly hair they let her sing two songs) She was dreadful- both songs. I wouldn't have let her through even with her bubbly personality.
Deanna- I was expecting her to be totally country and was pleasantly surprised when she started singing. Very original. I hope she doesn't end up being country that would ruin her for me.
Cody- (emo looking horror film kid) Loved him- he was my favorite in Phoenix
Alex- (nerdy kid) He was okay. Not Clay though. I did laugh when Simon said he had come out of the closet. I wouldn't have let him through.
Scott- Ummm did they do a little overkill with the build up to this guy or was that just me? He did have a great story and is obviously a very cool person. His voice was good but not great. I am excited to see him behind a piano during Hollywood week though.
I like the new judge. She seems real and I think she is just mean enough to not be Paula. I like Paula but we don't need two. I think it is funny that Simon can't say her name right. I always laugh when he calls Paula Pauler. Oh and Allias says she reminds him of his Aunt Brittney. Says they have the same facial expressions or something. I will have to watch more carefully.
Two more quick things. I thought it was a little freaky that they let that stalker like teen in with her big book of songs, especially with what happened with that fan of Paula. Simon even seemed to be making jokes that hinted at what happened. It seemed a little wrong. Second quick thing- the crazy dude who called himself X-Ray with the orange shirt and the guitar. I think if he mellowed out a little lost the fake name and took a voice lesson or two he could be good.
I hope the auditions get better. I can't wait to see what SLC has to offer.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
New Tricks
Monday, January 12, 2009
Random Observations
Allias and Kailyn are both good at getting up and getting ready on time. They are both really bad and getting out the door and to where they need to be on time.
Another Lisa is being trained at my place of employment and it really bothers me for some reason.
I find it really funny that one of the examples blogger uses as a label for a post is scooters- how many people blog about scooters?!
And a funny story someone told me when they called in for tech support today. She used to work in a Toshiba call center, some lady threw her microwave out of the window and caught her entire apartment complex on fire because it hit a tree, caught it on fire and then spread. Instead of calling 911 she called Toshiba.
I am trying to figure out if sucking on coffee flavored nips is breaking the Word of Wisdom.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
My mind
After I had Tyler I tried to go back to regular high school and at first it worked. My mom was paying for daycare and I just got up and went to school everyday. When Tyler was a few months old I moved away from home and things got a little harder. When Tyler started getting sick I started missing a lot of school and fell so far behind I ended up having a whole semester to make up. I ended up living in foster care and they helped me find an alternative high school where I could go and bring Tyler plus not get penalized when I missed school because of his illness.
While I was going to this alternative high school a group of doctors and other professionals that dealt with teen pregnancy invited four or five of the teen moms at this school to come to a conference. We would get pampered for the day have a nice lunch and in return we would agree to be part of a panel and answer questions or give our opinions about what kind of things might help prevent teen pregnancy.
So back to my memory. As I was sorting through the laundry trying to find a few things of Kailyn's to add to the wash I remembered something one of the girls on that panel said. They were asking us about the difficulties of being a teen mom and she said, "It's really hard when you wake up one morning and go to get your child dressed and realize- wow you have two shirts and one pair of pants." She had one little boy who was probably three or four and she was still together with the dad. Another mom on the panel had two or three kids and she the dad were married.
I have no idea why this memory would come back to me. The mind is odd. As soon as I thought about her saying that I started remembering the other things we told these doctors. They asked about myths we believed before we got pregnant and I distinctly remember telling them that I thought you couldn't get pregnant if the guy pulled out first and then I said, "but we all know sex is like basketball you always dribble a little before you shoot." One girl had believed you couldn't get pregnant if you had sex in a hot tub. She actually was LDS- I can't remember her name but she had given her baby up for adoption. I can't remember anything about the food we ate or any of the pampering, I can only remember that panel. The doctors were so thankful to us and told us we had really helped them. The only other memory I have of that day is us walking down this hallway leaving to go home and how proud we all felt. Like we had done something important.
This happens to me often. I will be going along with my daily life and then all of the sudden something will trigger some random memory. I have never written any of them down before but maybe I should. For posterity or something.
Friday, January 9, 2009
I just realized.......
At least two crazy but really cool things
A girl that I was friends with in High school added me as her friend. I saw that someone with a last name I knew very well had posted on her wall that that the church had really changed B's life.
Okay so let's go back a few years.
The summer I was fifteen I ran away from home. I spent that summer in Chelan. I had a friend that was working there for the summer and I stored all my stuff in his car and slept there when I couldn't find anyplace to crash. I partied a lot that summer and got into way too much trouble. All of my clothes were stolen and the girl I ran away with- well let's just say her parents tracked us down and dragged her home by her hair (literally). I can still see her mom dragging her to the car by her ponytail. Anyway back to the cool part of the story. The friend who's car I slept in and who I hung out with a ton once we both went back home was named B. So upon seeing this message I was like no way B is a member of the church, and here I thought I was getting most improved player award when we get to Heaven. Anyway I messaged Ch and confirmed that we were indeed talking about the same B and that she has stayed in touch with him all these years. To say I was shocked that he was LDS would be a HUGE understatement. I told her that I would love to talk to him. I was totally stoked to let him know I was LDS too.
Well we ended up talking on the phone for like two hours. I can't believe how much the gospel has changed both of our lives. I guess he grew up a member of the church but started to go inactive when he was 12 or so. After HS he joined the Marines, got married, divorced, remarried and moved to Virginia (of all places). They had some neighbors who they really liked and one day they saw the missionaries in these neighbor's driveway. They were curious and asked the couple if they were LDS- which they were. B told them that he was too but just wasn't living the gospel right then even though he still believed (sounds so much like Travis when I met him). So this couple invites them to go out on a date one night, they tell them ElderOaks is speaking at the church and ask if they would like to come listen. B and his wife said sure but they had no idea who Elder Oaks was. After hearing Elder Oaks speak B's wife decides she wants to join the church and the rest is history. One year later they are preparing to take their two little boys and be sealed as a family in the WashingtonDCTemple probably sometime is February or March and he wants me and Travis to come up for the sealing. Travis and I were sealed in the Washington DC temple on July 24th 1999 and that is the only time I have ever been there but I can't wait to go back- especially for this.
It was almost a surreal experience to be sitting there talking to him for hours about the gospel. I can guarantee that anyone that knew either one of us in High School would have never guessed such a future for me or for him. I remember when I first joined the church I wrote a letter to a friend of mine from HS that I knew was Mormon. He was serving a mission in Argentina. He wrote me back and said of all the people in our HS I would have been his last choice for church membership, he said that it made him realize that we never know who will accept the gospel or when.
Okay let's go back just a few more years
I was born in Chelan, Washington and grew up in a little tiny town called Manson (it is a super touristy place now with casinos and the like). When we were living in Manson things were kind of rough. I counted once and I lived in 22 houses before I was 11 years old in this little tiny town (23 if you count the short time we lived in our car). If you click on the touristy link and look at the picture of downtown Manson you can actually see one of the places I lived. On the left had side of the street there are shops and when I was a kid there were apartments above the shops. Anyway when I was about seven and my mom was pregnant with my brothers we moved to a house on Harris Street and we actually lived there for a few years. There was a family next door ( I think they may have owned the house we lived in), anyway they had a ton of kids. I think three sons and four or five daughters. They had a daughter that was just younger then me and most of my childhood memories revolve around the things we used to do together. I could write a whole blog about all the things we used to do. I
Okay so fast forward 22 years or so and I found a couple of kids that I went to Manson Elementary School with on facebook and added them as friends. Then one day I log in and see a message from another childhood friend from Manson. She and I send a few messages back and forth and catch up and it was like a blast from the past. Well I decide to look through her friends and who do I find there but the girl from next door. I chatted with her online as long as I possibly could before leaving to get the kids from school today and it was very very cool. She lives in Provo is married and expecting her first baby (a girl) in March. I really hope we stay in touch. It was so great to look through her pictures and see how beautiful her family still is. And I can't believe she is a great aunt. None of my siblings even have kids yet. At least Travis' family has given me some nieces and nephews.
And more amazing to me is these people from my past that I truly loved growing up share the same beliefs and values as I do. It's amazingly cool.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Look Alike Meter
Here is what the look alike meter said
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
Allias on the other hand totally and completely reminds me of my little brother Daniel- mannerisms and all. I decided to use my brother for the comparison instead of myself.
MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family heritage - Free genealogy
I think Tyler looks just like a tanner version of me but people always tell me that he looks like Travis.
Look Alike Meter says
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
Okay okay here is one of me Travis and Allias. I still think he looks like my brother- he does have my eyes though.
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
I really want to do one that compares Kailyn to my niece Lily. Every time I am around Lily she reminds me of Kailyn as a toddler. Maybe I will get to that one tomorrow