The stress was mostly (okay pretty much all) my fault, I have known for at least a week that she needed a white button up shirt and black dress pants for the show but we have been so busy and I just didn't make time to go look. I had time on Saturday but totally spaced it so yesterday as soon as I picked K up from school we headed to White Oak to get what she needed. She gets home around 4 and it is about a 20 minute drive to the shopping center. She needed to be back at the school no later then 5:45 so I figured we had about 45 minutes to find what we needed, get home, get ready and then head to the school. I guess I forgot who I was taking shopping. Kailyn is very very very very (did I say very) picky about what she lets touch her skin. She is also ummm pokey and easily distracted. Our first stop was TJ Maxx- we were in there for about five minutes- they didn't have anything. Then we rushed over to Ross. We didn't find any pants but found an adorable ruffly white button up shirt with three quarter length sleeves that I thought would be perfect. I grabbed a medium and had Kailyn try it on right there in the aisle. She had a tank top on so I figured no need to go to the dressing room. Kailyn instantly started freaking out because the seams on the sleeves were itchy. I then tried to get her to try it on over the top of her regular t-shirt so she can see that with the right underclothing the shirt would work. She still wasn't happy. I finally convinced her to try on the same shirt in a bigger size. The large gave her just enough room in the arms to not feel the seams so after a few minor toy distractions we got to the check out line to buy it and leave. Unfortunately there was a line so we had to wait several minutes. Our next stop was Target. It didn't take long to realize that they didn't have any pants but at this point K was tired of rushing around, hungry and ready to give up so it seemed to take forever to get out of the store and back into the car. I still felt like we were going to be fine and on time as long as we could find some pants at Kohl's. They actually had a great selection and in no time we had four or five pairs, including a couple that were on clearance, to try on. We went into the dressing room and this is where the real drama began. The first few pairs were too small and every single other pair just felt wrong. The only pair she liked were way too big. We both ended up very upset but we finally found a pair of pants that fit and felt okay. I paid more for them then I wanted to but seriously at that point I didn't even care. When we got back to the car I looked at the time and it was 5:30. I was pretty stressed out and didn't think we were even going to make it to the concert at all. I called Travis and told him to meet us at the school with Kailyn's dress shoes, a hairbrush, her cello, sheet music and the camera. We got to the school first and he got there shortly after. I think it was about 5:55. I quickly brushed her hair and buckled up her shoes then we ran down the hall and waited for the rest of the orchestra who were already on their way down to the gym. We realized that Travis had only grabbed one of the sheets of music and hoped that her instructor had extras. I snapped a couple of pictures of her in the hallway and we started to relax a little. Her instructor is soooo laid back and that really helped. He was just so happy she had made it and when he realized she didn't have all her music he whispered to her to just fake the last song and she did beautifully. The entire orchestra consisted of about twenty violins, one viola, one cello and one bass. Kailyn was right up front and really did a great job. The whole orchestra did. I was very impressed with how well they did and how much they have learned in such a short time.

The Cello is so beautiful to me and I love the sound it makes. I hope she sticks with it. The next concert should be far less stressful because there won't be any shopping involved.
1 comment:
She looks so cute! The girls were hilarious tonight when we shared our mission experiences with them. I should have a few photos tomorrow.
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