For the feelings portion of our lesson Travis cut out a picture that looked similar to this one. Kailyn looked at the picture and said "look she is annotating!"

*I don't want to devote a whole post to the AI results- there were no big surprises- I wouldn't have chosen the Rough Neck but he does have that likability thing even if his voice isn't that great. There is no way Danny wasn't making it the producers have made sure to shove him down our throats every chance they can get and Alexis was the only girl that didn't suck from group one.
**And Ruth to answer your question the way it is working this year is they have split the top 36 into three groups. Each week one group will perform and the guy and the girl with the top votes advance to the top 12, then the person (guy or girl) with the next highest votes also advances. So 9 of the top 12 will be ones that were chosen by the voters. The remaining three will be chosen by the judges after a wild card show. They haven't done the wild card thing since Season One. Hope that clears up any confusion.
you are sooo mean to danny. He has maybe said one thing at the very beginning of the show about his wife... which i dont blame him... and the show and everyone else on it keeps bringing it up. You need to be nice to him. He is one of my favorite singers!! ya' her!!!
Okay, that TOTALLY clears it up. Thanks so much! I was getting confused and you can tell I was confused. I do like how they are choosing contestants (now that I know how!). Sounds like a fun FHE too!
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