Saturday, July 4, 2009

Girl Trip Day Three

Since we lost a day we really tried to make up for it by cramming as much into each day as we possibly could. Day three was by far our craziest busiest day. We woke up and my mom brought breakfast up to our room. We ate and then mom headed to class and we headed to Aquatica the water park at Seaworld. We had such a great time. The weather was perfect and the slides were super fun. I got a little sun burnt on my shoulders but nothing terrible. Kailyn's favorite slide was one where you lay or your stomach on a blue mat and slide down head first. You start out in a dark tunnel and after you come out you drop straight down. We did this one at least three times. By the time we left I figured I had climbed at least sixty flights of stairs but it was totally worth it! When we were leaving we got to see the dolphins being fed which was an added bonus to our terrific day.

Once we got back to the hotel my mom was done and waiting for us. We showered and changed and went to the Millenia Mall for some SHOPPING! I love hanging out with my mom at the mall. She has great taste and loves to spend time searching and trying on clothes. Kailyn and I both ended up with lots of new things. Thanks Grandma!!!!!
Kailyn changed into something new in the bathroom before we left the mall. She loves this outfit because it is soooo comfy!
After we left the mall we headed for Magic Kindgom.
They were having special extended hours for guests of the Disney hotels. We watched the electric lights parade and took a million pictures of the castle. My mom had never been to Disney World before and she was like an adorable kid. We rode It's A Small World, The Haunted Mansion, Thunder Mountain and drove the Race Cars. We also went into the Lilo and Stitch ride. My mom doesn't really like drops so Kailyn and I went on Splash Mountain by ourselves.
Kailyn got to see Chip and Dale and Goofy Mickey and Minnie and Donald were around someplace but K was more interested in going on rides then hanging out with the characters this time.
We left Disney at 2 AM and finally crashed into our beds around 4!!! What a DAY!!!

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