Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Top Seven Take Two

I totally know who I want to win now! Kris was UH MAZING last night. My votes only went to him and will only go to him from here on out. He took a super overplayed, overrated song and made it totally lovable. It was pretty fantastic. Did you notice how crazy short Kris is though? Ryan (who is about five foot nine) is taller then him by at least an inch or two!
Lil sounded terrible and her outfit was worse. I don't know what she isn't getting when the judges tell her she doesn't sound original. She hasn't sounded good since Hollywood and even then I didn't like her. I am sure Vote for the Worst is super proud of her this week. I just checked thier site and they even say she doesn't get this show. LOL! I am now beyond ready for her to be GONE.
Danny was booorrrring and the dancing of course made me laugh. I thought he was actually off pitch in several spots and was surprised to hear the judges say he is always pitch perfect.
Allison and Adam were both decent and I think they have what it takes to make it in the industry. I am sure they will be fine regardless of how far they get on the show, although I still see Adam as more of a Broadway kind of guy.
Matt super disappointed me with his song choice. I was just waiting for Simon to say they wasted the save on him. It was just really really bad. I really hope that he manages to stick around one more week to redeem himself but I that is probably just wishful thinking.
Anoop proved again he can only sing ballads and wow that last note was painful. He totally knew it too- his facial expression was priceless. I laughed so hard when Ryan commented on his eyebrow job LIVE on national TV. Hilarious!!! I was literally rolling!
Paula was also in rare form- her comments were even more off the wall then usual and I was with Simon in needing a translator. And Randy is an absolute IDIOT if he thinks this is the best top seven they have had. I don't think it is the worst top seven but I am pretty sure it is a far cry from the best.
Dial Idol is saying the whole thing is too close to call but I think the bottom three will be Anoop, Matt and Lil with Anoop and Matt going home. I think Lil will get enough votes from Vote for the Worst and the other sympathy voters to stick around one more week. Looks like Ryan is going to be right in his top 4 prediction of Kris, Adam, Danny and Allison. Interesting........
If it were up to me the perfect finale would be Kris and Allison with Kris as the winner but yeah that isn't going to happen. I don't know if I will be able to stomach a Danny, Adam finale. ICKY!
You know what is funny I have been thinking and the single guys are the ones who get all the votes. Look at Daughtry and Michael Johns they both were mad talented and got voted off wayyyy too early. I was shocked in both instances. I guess since I am already taken I don't base my votes on dreams of hooking up with one of these guys.
Here is Michael John's first single for your listening pleasure.

And If you haven't heard the song he did with Brooke White it is totally worth listening to as well. It is called Life is Okay.

1 comment:

Kory said...

thanks for the post! i'm with ya - i love Kris but i don't think he'll make it to the finals. i don't understand what America votes for. i guess AI is going to mimic the presidential elections now. . .