I just have to say he did such a FANTASTIC job. He was soooo into it and he even made kids who were scared of him at first love him and follow him around. He was very concerned about "not ruining the magic". He kept coming up to me to make sure his feet were fully covered and that no other parts of him were showing. He also wouldn't let Kailyn tell anyone that Clifford was her brother. Even the older kids.
The funniest thing was when someone he knew from the middle school would come in and he would walk right up to them and stand like two inches away. It would totally freak people out. Then he would call them by name. I didn't have my camera but I would have loved to get some pictures of some of their faces, it was too too funny. For those of you who know Marcus Juarez ask him how he reacted when Clifford the Big Red Dog started stalking him. There was also a a teacher who had a serious aversion to him and he kept asking her for a hug and trying to talk to her. I was laughing my butt off.
He really did a great job and is soooo great with kids. A couple of the kids cried when their parents took them home because they didn't want to leave. He actually asked the librarian if she had someone to do it at the next family night and volunteered to help her out. I think a job at Disney is in his future.
That's awesome! What a great big brother! I've always thought it would be fun to put on a costume like that! The kids always love it.
I think you might be right. He is an awesome kid! I've thought so since meeting him. Drama is definitely in his future.
That is so cute! What a guy Allias is to do that. I bet that was funny seeing him go up to people and standing right next to him, or when he went up to his one teacher. How funny. I look forward to your comments that will be coming tonight about IDOL!
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