This is the post where I describe my dogs and you get to know my children better. We have three children, we also have three dogs. Our children from oldest to youngest are ; Tyler,
Allias and
Kailyn. Our dogs from oldest to youngest are Tucker,
Maisy and Molly.

Tucker is a wanderer. If you leave a door open and turn your back on him he will be gone in an instant. He always comes home once he has worn himself out and has only gotten into serious trouble one or two times. Once he got stuck in a tree for a few days, we could hear him crying but had no idea where he was. We finally found him up in the top of a tree that was slightly bent. He had followed his nose up there but couldn't figure out how to turn around and come back down. You can't leave food out if Tucker is in the house. The second he thinks you aren't paying attention he will snatch it up and be gone. Sometimes he will even go for it while you are watching. He will eat anything and everything. He just can't control his impulsiveness. He is very good with other dogs and loves to be around them, he pretty much loves everyone but doesn't always understand personal space. He can be very loud and spends a lot of time sleeping. He is also very messy and likes to drag his stuff all over the place. Our yard has his toys and blankets strung from one end to the other.
Maisy is very loyal but can be overly defensive.
Maisy will never do anything she isn't supposed to in front of your face but sometimes she will try and get away with something, especially if you aren't home to catch her in the act. She is usually very mellow but if she starts tearing around the house she has a hard time settling down. She is very very good at keeping Tucker and Molly in line. We can always count on her to play with Molly or chase Tucker down when he runs off. She loves the air conditioning, in the car she always wants to have her face right up to the fan and at home she likes to sleep on the vents.
Maisy is very athletic and one of the first things she learned as a puppy was to fetch. She loves it when you throw toys up in the air and she will catch them with her front paws.

Molly is super cute and loving but can be feisty and rebellious as well. Sometimes she acts very submissive, is a a very good listener and all she wants to curl up in your lap and get snuggled and then other times she just runs away from you and thinks everything is a game. She has a hard time calming down if she gets riled up and can be very loud. She is also
sooooooo easily distracted. You take her outside to go to the bathroom and if there is any distraction at all; the cat, a car, kids, even bugs in the grass she totally loses focus on what she needs to be doing. Molly always looks a little messy and likes to make messes too.
** small disclaimer** I read this to my kids before posting it they thought it was hilarious and totally true.
Wow, did you think of the comparisons for the dogs to kids. I don't know if you realize but the personality of you children are very similar to the dogs. Isn't that funny. As I was reading Tucker's, i thought wow that is some of Tyler and then so and so forth. hehehe:)
I had to read this one to Guy. It was very funny and sounds just like them.
Oh my gosh! I was just thinking how funny it is that your dogs are just like your kids! so weird! ..... ; )
You're beagle looks just like ours! Tim thinks they are long lost cousins :)
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