I didn't have a chance to watch and vote last night but I watched this morning while I was cleaning. Very quickly here is what I thought
Danny- I just don't think this guy will sell a lot of albums. I mean it wasn't terrible or off pitch or anything like that it was just forgettable and unoriginal. I felt the same way about Taylor Hicks when he was on the show and couldn't believe that he won. I remember thinking there is no way this guy is going to sell albums and if you look at the numbers his career really hasn't gone anywhere. Taylor's album has sold like 700,000 copies. Chris Daughtery who came in third place that same season has sold over 4 million copies of his album and Season four winner Carrie Underwood sold over 6 million of her first album and 3 million of her second. Even Kelly Pickler who came in 6th sold more copies of her first album. Compare that to artists like Beyonce who sold 8 million copies of her first solo album or Justin Timberlake who's last album has sold almost 9 million copies. It also has to do with longevity. I just don't think Danny has what it takes to last in the industry.
Okay so I said this was going to be quick and now I am rambling. I guess I am just frustrated because I think Danny is going to make it to the finals and he just isn't that great.
Kris- I don't know why they have them sing out in the crowd like that. It totally takes away from the song. I thought the same thing the other week when Matt did it. I think he made the song somewhat original but it wasn't his best performance for sure. I still like him a lot though. I am trying to figure out what the heck Simon is talking about when he says indulgent. Doesn't indulgent mean like spoiling someone. I have no idea how the word even fits.
Lil- It is time for Lil to go. Honestly she really isn't emerging as a star. It is like Karaoke night every week. At least the judges are keeping it real. I wish they would do the same thing with Danny. I do like the wig or weave or whatever they have done to her hair.
Anoop- It was beautiful but I am getting the feeling ballads are the only thing he can sing well.
Scott- It started out okay and I was thinking man this kid is really listening to the vocal coaches but then it got just dreadful. And his little speeches are so tacky. Whatever.
Allison- This girl is talented period. Her voice totally reminds me of Kelly Clarkson or Pink. I personally don't listen to either of them but there are a lot of people out there that do and I think Allison has the potential to do really well. I hated her dress though. I wonder what they will do to help her personality shine through a little bit now that Simon said America needs to get to know her better.
Matt- Totally brilliant. I think Matt is probably the MOST underrated on the show. He really has a fantastic voice and really showed it during this performance. I hope he can stick around long enough to get the publicity he deserves to do well.
Adam- WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW yeah he could totally have a hit single with that right now. It was sooooo original and soooooo "relevant" as the judges would say. I LOVED it. I am buying it on Itunes right now and I so so so so hope that if it comes down to Adam and Danny in the finals that America gets smart and makes the right choice. He really did deserve that standing O from Simon. I am trying to remember if I have ever seen Simon give some one a standing ovation before. I so glad I changed my dvr to record an extra ten minutes. I would have been bummed if I had missed that.
I am a little scared to see what Adam will do with being famous. He is seriously flamboyant and probably the most risqué contestant Idol has ever had. The pictures and videos floating around of this guy are ummmm well interesting to say the least. But he does have MAD talent and I do listen to Queen regularly.
If I could have voted I probably would have voted for Matt just because I think he really deserves to be in this competition. I probably would have thrown a few votes in there for Kris as well just because I like him period. My favorite of the night was Adam but I seriously doubt he is going to have any problem getting votes.
My predictions for bottom three- Lil, Scott and Anoop with Scott going home.
Ack I just checked Dial idol and yeah I am not happy about what I am seeing there. It looks like the vote was way close. I hate it when I don't vote.
Vote for the Worst chose Scott as their pick this week and with as close as the vote looks they may have given him an edge. I hope not. A judges save may be needed this week.
I pretty much agree with your assessments here. What would we do without idol? :) I really like Kris and Allison. I can't decide how I feel about Adam. One week I like him the next I don't. I kind of see Anoop as a Josh Grobin-type singer. I checked dialidol and hope its not true. Thanks for the updates. :)
Thanks for the Idol review. It was fun to read. I missed a lot of it, but caught the judges comments for Allison and then the last two singers. I think Simon has done a standing ovation for someone.....it seems so familiar. BUT it doesn't happen very often.
Good luck with getting everything ready!
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