Molly was spayed this week. I was a nervous wreck for some reason but she did just fine. We gave her bath before she went so she would be all clean and pretty for the doctors. While she was in surgery I went and got my hair done. I decided that I was getting a little too blond so I had her add in some more dark pieces. I am in LOVE with my hair. I know that may sound vain but I really really really like it. It matches my eyebrows a lot better and I think it brings out my eyes quite nicely. I am also liking the way it is looking as it grows back out. I haven't had her cut it at all other then to slightly trim the ends. I love my hairdresser so much. I have never walked out of there not totally loving my hair. Molly was soooo sleepy when we picked her up. She was totally out of it but so super cute. She is healing fine and is back to her adorable spastic self.
Here are some pictures of Molly and I before and after.
Here is Molly after her bath! Don't you love her hairstyle?

your hair looks so cute! is it shorter in the back or no? i can't tell iot kinda look like a bob?
it has all kinds of layers- its hard to explain but the back has a shorter layer and then fringe that is longer underneath.
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