I will never forget the first time I read Charlotte's Web or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and once in the fourth grade my teacher spent a little time each day reading The Oregon Trail out loud to us. It was a very humbling emotional experience and it made a HUGE impact on me.
In Junior High I read as many Choose Your Own Adventure or Babysitter's Club books as I could get my hands on and I also developed a deep love for poetry. In High School I went through a Jack London phase, I would be sitting in the library curled up in one of their chairs bawling my eyes out. I also read That Was Then This is Now and The Outsiders every chance I got. I don't remember owning many books back then but I remember several of the books that I was assigned to read for English class and how I felt about them. I need to go back and read some of those again like Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities.
I love rummaging through piles of books at yard sales and used book stores. I love book fairs and Book of the Month Club, the library and Barnes and Noble.
I love being taken to new places and being shown new ideas. I love books that make me question things and search for answers. I love the whole gauntlet of emotions that often come when I am reading, the twists and turns and ups and downs. I love it when something so shocking happens that I have to slam the book shut and catch my breathe. I love reading out loud and being read too. I am extremely grateful for books and the significance they have had in my life.
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