Yes I am obsessed with the Cullen family. Last summer I heard that a Mormon chick had written a book series about Vampires so I decided to check it out. Being both Mormon and a huge vampire fan I was extremely curious. After reading a few reviews and listening to a couple interviews with the author I bought the first book (Twilight). I was done with it by the end of the day- I quickly rushed to Target and brought home the second book (New Moon). New Moon was a bit harder for me. I found myself yelling at the main characters and throwing the book at times. Because of the distraught feelings I was having over the direction the story was taking it took me a bit longer to get through the book. I managed to suffer along and in three days I was done. I am not quite sure what I would have done if the third book (Eclipse) wasn't already out. I am not joking when I say I may have gone insane. I remember standing in the book aisle reading it and totally losing track of time. When I finally came to my senses I realized three things; A- I hadn't paid for the book, B- I was already 100 pages into it and C- I had been standing there a LONG time. Tyler had a doctor appointment that evening so I brought the book along with me. When we got out to the car he looked over at me putting in a bookmark and said, "Is that your place?" I was over half way done. I read all that night and finally went to bed about 3 in the morning finished and happy but totally ready for more. I seriously had no idea how I was going to wait for the 4th book. I dreamt about vampires for weeks. It was shortly after finishing the third book when I found out there was going to be a movie. Hearing this news gave me mixed emotions, I was both excited and scared. I had all the characters in my head and they were mine. I didn't want some producer to mess that up but on the other hand I wanted to see the books brought to life. Fast forward a year and the books have become even more popular. When the 4th book (Breaking Dawn) came out I was on vacation and couldn't buy it the second it was available. Denise and Alyssa left me messages saying they were line buying the book and Brittney sent me a text with a picture of the book. I was crazy!!! I bought it as soon as I returned to civilization and read it on my flight home. I remember being on the plane and at one point slamming the book shut and looking around to see if there was anyone I could talk to about what was happening (page 360).
Okay so now I am rambling but like I said before I am obsessed and that obsession lead me to head to the theatre a week early to buy a ticket to the midnight showing, show up at the theatre a few hours early to ensure a good seat and put a sticker on my mini-van that said OCD! I also got back at Brittney by texting her a picture of my movie ticket!
So the movie..... I can't say that I loved it. There were parts I really enjoyed and I loved the experience of being there at midnight and seeing it first but the movie was just okay for me. I thought the makeup and hair were terrible. Sometimes the vampires were pale other times they looked like they had been to the Bahamas and I swear Rosalie put food in her mouth in the cafeteria scene. I think the worst part for me was how shallow they made Edward and Bella's relationship seem when it was anything but that.
Parts I loved- I thought Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson did great. Their facial expressions were perfect and they had serious chemistry. Robert really did an excellent job making Edward everything he is supposed to be- strong- yet vulnerable, haunted, loving, tortured not to mention extremely attractive. I never thought the guy was good looking until now. The way he looked at Bella was exactly the way I pictured it in my mind. (hungry)
Jasper was beautiful but I wasn't digging the hair. Emmet was great and Alice was good too. She had the walk down perfectly. Rosalie was NOT my Rosalie. She was not pretty enough at all and I don't think the actress (Nikki or something) did a very good job. The human Highschool kids were really great. I loved Eric and Mike. And Charlie was sooooo amazing. Another thing I liked was how close they kept the dialogue to the book. I didn't want them to take any liberties and for the most part they didn't. I just wish they would have made it longer so we could see the relationship grow. That being said I will see it again and I will buy it when it comes out on DVD and I am looking forward to the New Moon movie- although I am going to have to learn self control between now and then. I don't think the other movie goers will want to hear me shouting at Bella to quit acting like a spoiled bratt or watch me throw shoes at Jacob when he comes on screen. Here are some pictures from the night. When I got home I just stayed up all night cleaning and stuff. No point going to bed for two hours.

Alyssa and Josh. He tagged along and then fell asleep during the movie. He also almost gave us all a nervous break down on the drive home. I could have killed the kid if he wasn't doing such a good job of almost doing it himself. Crazy kid.
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