Tyler went to his first semi-formal dance
Friday night. He and his friend Ashley went to the Winter Ball. My camera was acting silly so the quality of these pictures isn't great but they are still adorable!

Tyler had the hardest time figuring out the VELCRO on this wrist corsage. He was cracking me up. He finally got it on when no one with a camera was watching.

Too cute!

They were just plain silly all night long. I think this is the picture that was taken right after Tyler
accidentally kicked their
chihuahua in the head. Tyler does this thing where after he sits down he kicks out his leg from the knee before either crossing his legs or putting his foot down. (hard to explain but he picked it up from another kid at church) anyway their dog was on the couch and I guess Tyler didn't see him. Poor puppy.

They were both chewing gum and there are several pictures where either her gum or his gum is showing. Teenagers!!

This has to be my favorite picture from the night. Crazy boys!!!
I so miss these fun and special times. What fun they are having - all I can say is just keep enjoying and documenting the special times.
Love, Aunt Joanie
Joan I need your mailing address!
The poor pup! I keep laughing though!
Tyler you look so handsome. I'm glad you were able to go and have fun. Love you lots grandma
Gosh...your kids are so grown up Lisa!!! What happened?? And so good-looking....always thought they were cute kids, but they are all growing "into" themselves nicely! So fun to see all the pics!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
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