Merry Christmas. We miss and love you all
sooooo much. Wish you could have been here to share Christmas morning with us. Hope 2009 brings you all the joy and blessings you can handle.
The kids were
sooo excited that we ended up being able to get them Christmas
Here is
Kailyn in her High School Musical
Jammies- all ready to get snug in her bed (she actually slept upstairs with the boys). We went to some friend's house for Christmas Eve dinner and didn't get home until late.
Kailyn made sure that I promised to bake Santa some cookies before I fell asleep. Good thing I had some left over cookie dough in the fridge from the Christmas plates we had made earlier in the week.
Allias (man he looks like my brother Daniel in these pictures)

striking a pose. When he opened his
Jammies he said, "You got me
jammies with penguins on them, that's what's up."

Christmas morning!!
Allias' favorite part of Christmas morning. The Stocking!!! Tyler and
Allias both got cologne in their stockings this year and Tyler got jelly bracelets (they are back in).
Kailyn got a High School musical watch and some
webkinz cards and
Allias got some baseball cards. And of course lots of candy.
Kailyn changed her mind about the
Bebe gun and asked Santa for Roller Skates instead.

Tyler checking out his cool new belt buckle from
Kailyn and
Allias. He is wearing the
hoodie that Travis and I got him. He hasn't taken it off yet so I think its safe to say he likes it. We also got him a belt and Santa got him a hat but he ended up returning those and can't figure out what he wants instead. We have been to the skate shop twice, the mall and checked out some stuff online. Too many choices I guess.
Allias sporting the Duke hat that was in his stocking and showing off his cool new watch that Santa gave him
Kailyn got three new W
ebkinz. The little mouse was in her stocking and she named it Pip. She came in my room at 3am with this in her hands yelling "mommy mommy Santa gave me the little white mouse I wanted!!!" I told her she needed to go back to bed that it was too early to be up and she asked if she could bring the mouse to bed with her.

These two came from Uncle Jan. She named the Hedgehog Romeo and the Lizard is Apollo. I think the Lizard is her favorite. She also got a really neat book called
TheDaringBookForGirls from Uncle Jan. Its very cool and we are going to try and get her adventure kit together soon.

I think he likes it!!!! He uses unbreakable as his tag on M
yspace and was totally freaked out (in a good way) that I found this shirt. Thanks Uncle Jan!!!
Allias showing off the MP3 Player he got from Uncle Jan (Its a permanent fixture on his head now). He also got a digital camera from mom and dad. I will post some of the pictures he has taken soon.

Tyler in one of the outfits that Uncle Jan got him.

The boys got a little excited when they opened the
XBox 360 that Grandma Becky and Grandpa Paul helped us get.

Tyler trying to be a Guitar Hero (he is wearing the right pants for it).

Tyler and
Allias playing a little Halo on the new 360.
Kailyn trying out her new roller skates.
Kailyn and mommy playing Monopoly (Littlest
Petshop style). I think Tyler and
Allias did a great job picking out something that she would really like. It's also helping her with Math.

And last but not least Miss Molly all dressed up for Christmas.

Grandma Barbara and Grandpa Dan got the kids a
trampoline which they totally and
completely love- we just haven't taken any pictures yet. Tyler is determined to learn how to do a
back flip on it and was even out practicing in the rain today.
Kailyn and
Allias were out jumping at 11
o'clock last night. I am sure the neighbors love us. We will try and get some pictures asap and post them. Oh and Barbara got me GPS!!! Its
sooooo cool. I love it!
Again Happy New Year. Hope we get to see you in 2009!
1 comment:
Looks like a great Christmas! Happy New Year!!!
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