The other lady you see playing is the student teacher. She decided to join their band for the evening. These videos took days to upload (I am not exaggerating they literally took days). Good thing I am at work and have nothing better to do. ENJOY
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
The little girl in front of me was getting restless and kept poking her head up out of her seat and talking. (her brother played clarinet too but was in the 7th grade)
During the fourth song the band director stopped them and had them start again. Allias was actually happy, he said he was thinking to himself "these people are not on time and it's messing me up" I tried for hours and hours to get the video to upload and it wouldn't! Again there were clarinet parts in this song where only Allias and the 2nd chair girl play. (the student teacher doesn't count LOL)
My battery died right as we started applauding- I am happy it held out for the last song. After the show was over I overheard the student teacher's family tell her they were laughing because she had a college degree couldn't even make first chair! She said that's because Allias is sooo good. We think so too!
I will try and get the video to load another day. Sorry!
My battery died right as we started applauding- I am happy it held out for the last song. After the show was over I overheard the student teacher's family tell her they were laughing because she had a college degree couldn't even make first chair! She said that's because Allias is sooo good. We think so too!
I will try and get the video to load another day. Sorry!
Allias what A great job, I'm so proud of you. I'm so glad we got to hear you play. Thanks Lisa
Awesome job Allias! We cant wait to see you guys...we miss you so much!
Dear Lisa,
Allias is wonderful. I really enjoyed the videos. Kids are so amazing and uplifting. Enjoy all of it, as it goes by so fast. I so love reading your blog. I just close my eyes and can hear you talking. It's a wonderful thing. I enjoy reading everyone's blogs, it makes me feel connected to all of you. Thank you. Love from one of your favorite out laws -- Aunt Joanie
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