1) What is his name?
Travis Jonathon Nelson
2) Who eats more?
Well he is always on a diet but I still think he ends up eating more then me- just less carbs
3) Who said "I love you" first?
I think I did- we were playing that game where you "write" something on the other person's back and they have to guess what you wrote. Travis taught me what love is. He loves so completely and so selflessly.
4) Who is taller?
He is by about three inches
5) Who is smarter?
Depends on which one of us you ask! LOL- I am the one the kids come to for help with their homework but I think he probably has more common sense and he can fix/build/take apart(and put back together) anything.
6) Who is more sensitive?
For the first ten or so years of our marriage it was totally him. I think that I have softened up a bit over time and he has maybe gotten a bit more stubborn but he is still very sensitive.
7) Who does the laundry?
If and when the laundry gets done its because I did it. Not to say that I keep up on it like I should and not to say he wont or never has he just doesn't have the time.
8) Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
We switch it up
9) Who pays the bills
I do
10) Who cooks more.
Ummmm whatever restaurant we are eating at. Some friends of ours bought me a tiny frying pan to hang in my kitchen. It says in this kitchen we cook as little as possible. But in reality I would say that we both do our fair share of cooking.
11) Who is more stubborn?
Me for sure.
12) Who admits they are wrong first?
I don't think either of us is real keen on admitting when we are wrong. We don't really insist on someone saying sorry either. We just start treating each other better. We are the get over it and forget it and move on kind of people. We don't hold grudges and we don't expect each other to change or see things our way just because we said so. We accept each others differences.
13) Who has more siblings?
He has three brothers and one sister and I have three brothers and one sister.
14) Who wears the pants in the relationship
15) What do you like to do together
We like going to the movies, hanging out playing games with friends and family, camping, bowling, shopping (well I like shopping).
16) Who eats more sweets?
Neither of us eat a lot of sweets. He buys more and the kids eat them.
17) Guilty pleasure
18) How did you meet?
We were in high school- he walked by me- he had one of those wallets with the long chain that hangs down- and I was like "nice wallet"- he turned around and I was like wow that boy is cute.
We didn't technically meet that day though. I just stared at him every chance that I got.
19) Who asked out who first?
If me having someone write on his notebook for a good time call and my phone number counts then I guess I asked him out first.
20) Who proposed and how?
He proposed- We were in his backyard and we just started talking about how much we loved each other and he said he thought we should get married and I was soooo happy but we didn't like set date or anything. A few weeks later we were in the mall and he took me into a jewelry store and told me to pick out a ring. Once we had it paid off he got on his knee right there in the mall and asked me. I am sure the people around us thought it was pretty crazy seeing some teenage boy on his knee asking his equally teenage girlfriend to marry him.
21) His best features and qualities?!
Way too many to list here. He is kind, and hard-working, he is the MOST loyal person I know, he is smart and funny and the best Dad on the entire planet. I am just so grateful every day to be married to my very best friend. 16 years ago today I was wandering around in a graveyard looking for where Jimi Hendrix was buried- I can honestly say I had no idea that exactly a year later to the day I would be marrying the adorable boy that was with me. So Happy Birthday Jimi and Happy Anniversary to me and Travis!!!!
1 comment:
Sheldon is going to the Milan, Italy mission! Feb 18 is his report date to the Provo MTC.
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