I have no idea what I am doing! Hopefully I will be able to get all these pictures on this thing. I need a blogging for dummies book or something. WOW each picture is taking like five minutes to upload. I just don't have that kind of time. Here is a link to my whole album on facebook.
our pictures
Just wanted to add that Shannon White (S&G Photography) took these pictures. She is really really good and totally affordable. If you want pictures done give her a call. (Click the little business card on the right side of my blog)
Ha ha. That is because all your pictures are big enough to print 30 x 40 inch pictures! Download Picasa and sign up for a Picasa web album. It will let you upload the pictues smaller and faster without resizing each one, and it is designed to work with Blogger easily. On the other hand uploading them this big means your family can save them and make their own prints with them. Call me if you run into any more roadblocks.
Your family is sooo beautiful! I just love seeing all the pictures.
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