Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Can't they all stay????

So You Think You Can Dance was UH MAZING last night!!!!!! I am pretty sure I am going to have my heart broke every week from here on out. I just LOVE them all wayyyy too much.
I voted for Legacy, Kathryn (first time I have ever voted for her) and Ellenore. Allias voted for Russell. If I had to choose anyone to go home it would be Ashleigh and Ryan. I think it would be cool for them to go home together. I like them both it's just I like the others more. I am pretty sure Ashleigh will get the sympathy vote especially after her husband's tearful plea but seriously ACK!!!!
I think Jakob is the best dancer but I think Russell could win it all. His joy is totally contagious!

My favorite dance was the contemporary piece choreographed by Travis Wall for Ellenore and Legacy. It was super super fantastic!!!!!

I am scared for the results tonight!!!!
ACK!!! ACK!!! ACK!!!!
I am sooo going to watch this top ten on tour! (I know I know I keep saying this- you will probably hear it several more times before the season is over)


Unknown said...

I can't believe the results tonight! I wont post anything telling in case people are Tivo-ing, but holy cow! I'm sad with the girl choice. Ok, I've said too much.

Unknown said...

Ack! I needed to say that I am sad at the boy choice too! Even more than the girls. Ah well.

Lisa and company said...

I am sooooooo sad!!!! And I seriously knew that Ashleigh and possibly even Ryan were going to get the sympathy vote!