Allias James was born June 14th 1995
I kissed Travis goodbye that morning and about two minutes later I had a pool of water at my feet. I didn't go into labor so they induced me that afternoon. He was born at 6:11 PM
He was my smallest baby weighing in at 7lbs 12 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.
He was a few weeks early but I wasn't complaining. There were six Lisa Nelsons having babies at the same doctor's office at the same time but I am pretty sure I took home the right kid.

He was a daddy's boy right from the start.

We called him Punkin until he was at least four.
After that we started calling him Limer or Linus.

Allias is such a great example to me. He has such a strong testimony of prayer. He says he even prays over the DVD player when it isn't working right, but he has also seen miracles happen because of his faith.
He is a great brother---- Kailyn and Tyler are soooo lucky to have him.
Win or lose he roots for the Seattle Seahawks, the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Duke Blue Devils.
What a fun post--and it was nice to get to know more about Allias. Were you scared when your water broke? What a crazy experience!
Grandma Becky said...
lisa i tried to post a comment about allias bday page it is so great but couldnt get my email to go through so iam trying here ilove you and guess what i got the dress on ebay!!!! see you soon love,mom
(putting this in the right spot for my mom- I am just proud she figured out how to comment period)
WOW, he is 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAHH, it has felt like we have been gone forever b/c he is lookin so much more like a man (just like Ty). Tell him Troy and I said Happy Birthday! We missed it and I will have to call tomorrow.
Jill and Troy
I can't believe he is 14. I remember him as the cutest little boy in primary, and I think he'll always be that to me. That is hilarious that there were so many Lisa Nelsons at the hospital that day. That would scare me a lot; I don't think I'll have that problem though.
Also, my husband and I love your blog name:)
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