Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I am coaching Kailyn's volleyball team and that is pretty funny. I was kind of a last resort. The first three coaches backed out before the first practice and no one else stepped up. Most of the girls on my team have never played before but we are still having a good time (I think). We haven't won often (only on match in a set actually) but the girls are getting better and better every week and so I am happy.
Kailyn is doing really well and I am happy she has found a sport she loves.
yep she is precious!!!!!

yeah I know what I am doing (NOT)

at least I have cute shoes right?

our adoring public!
he is pretty cute too!
Our team is called Zoom!

I bought all the girls matching socks.

I only look like I am mad

Britt took these pictures when she was here and I am really happy to have them. She got some great ones of Kay!


Brittney said...

Im glad you got them all! Sorry they are not the best... but I had the best time watching you coach, and seeing k play! I love you!!

Kristen said...

How fun that you are the coach! I love that. :) You really do look like you know what you're doing. If you don't, you sure fooled me. :) What a cool mom you are.

Marianne & Clayton said...

Ha! The first thing I thought was how cute your pink shoes were. You and K look adorable out there. (And PS, how freaking tiny are you!?)

Lee-Ruth-Clark-Cal-Shanna-Haley-Elden said...

That is awesome you are coaching her volleyball team! I don't know hardly anything about sports and rules. And yes, you DO have cute shoes!!!