Thursday, June 2, 2011

"There's a lot to talk about in this mouth"- Dr. Fred

When I took Kailyn to the regular dentist last month I had already scheduled her consultation with the orthodontist but it cracked me up when the dentist looked at her and said, "There's a lot to talk about in this mouth"
Then when we had our consultation the orthodontist and after he had looked at Kailyn and was about to talk to me she said "I know....... there's a lot to talk about in this mouth"
Well she got round one of her braces last week. I can't believe how super cute she looks in braces. I don't think I have ever thought someone looked better with braces on.Here are her before and after pics. The first week was really rough and she could barely eat but things are better now.

She would kill me if she knew I put this picture up! I just wanted a picture of what her teeth looked like before. If you look down on the bottom left you can see where her eye tooth grew in two spaces back and sideways. Then on the top some of her permanent teeth are up in her gums with no space to come down. They had to pull out about six baby teeth and put in spacers the week before she got the actual hardware.

honestly you couldn't really tell when she just smiled but she was still self conscious about it- the ortho said her teeth were also shifting off center because of how things were coming (or not coming) in.

all smiles! She really was super excited to get them!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I am coaching Kailyn's volleyball team and that is pretty funny. I was kind of a last resort. The first three coaches backed out before the first practice and no one else stepped up. Most of the girls on my team have never played before but we are still having a good time (I think). We haven't won often (only on match in a set actually) but the girls are getting better and better every week and so I am happy.
Kailyn is doing really well and I am happy she has found a sport she loves.
yep she is precious!!!!!

yeah I know what I am doing (NOT)

at least I have cute shoes right?

our adoring public!
he is pretty cute too!
Our team is called Zoom!

I bought all the girls matching socks.

I only look like I am mad

Britt took these pictures when she was here and I am really happy to have them. She got some great ones of Kay!